I am on annual leave now so please contact our assistant sec safety Jason Webb at [email protected] or give one of the Branch officers a call on 01772 200222.
– John Southwell
If you have a safety issue & wish to raise it at a Branch meeting please e-mail the H & S Co-ord at least twenty-four hours before the meeting, this allows the Branch Officer to look into your issue before the meeting & give more information. Please mail [email protected]
Would you like to become a Union Safety Rep?
If you are interested please contact J Southwell for further information.
Time & Training is carried out to make sure you’re fully prepared to carry out your role.
We believe that
Your Safety Matters
There can be times when your employer fails to notify the CWU when members have an accident or a ‘Near Miss’.
If you are involved in a Safety Related incident, please contact the Branch Safety coordinator immediately. The number is 07968 758072.
Your action NOW could save somebody’s life!
Important! Please check your driving licences photo card has NOT expired, Photocard licences that expired between February and December 2020 were extended and deemed valid, but this extension ran out last month. If it has expired it could result in a one thousand pound fine! It will be the holder of the license who pays the fine not Openreach!
The branch has a very active interest in Health and Safety. We take the view that our members are precious. If any have an accident, then their lives can be affected along with those of their workmates and families.
Under the leadership of John Southwell, the Branch Safety Co-ordinator, we have Jason Web as Assistant Secretary (Health and Safety) and a number of Union Safety Representatives (USRs) as defined under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations. An electronic list of USRs can be downloaded by using this link.
You can contact us on the phone during normal office hours on 01772 200222. Outside these hours the office phone will be diverted to a Branch officer who can help with urgent issues.