The minutes of the previous Meeting shall be circulated, and no motion or discussion shall be allowed on the Minutes except in regard to their accuracy, whereupon they shall be adopted and signed by the Chairperson. Reports may be given and the meeting shall then be at liberty to ask questions with regards to Matters Arising Not Covered by the Agenda.
When more than one member wishes to speak, the order of precedence shall rest with the Chairperson. Members, if appropriate, should clearly identify themselves before commencing to speak. All speeches must be made “Through the Chairperson”. The speaker must confine the contribution to the subject under discussion.
Every proposition or amendment must be moved and seconded by Members actually present at the meeting. Only one amendment may be introduced at a time. If no amendment(s) succeed, the meeting returns to the original motion.
The ruling of the Chairperson on any question under the Standing Orders or on points of order or explanation shall be final, unless challenged by at least four members, and unless two thirds of the members present vote against such ruling.
Any of the foregoing Standing Orders may be suspended on a vote of two thirds of Members present.
March 2019